A Guide Of UK Bed Sizes

Understanding UK bed sizes is essential if you’re moving into a new home, redecorating, or just needing a better night’s sleep. Each size has unique dimensions and benefits, from the petite single to the luxurious super king.

In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the various bed sizes available in the UK, providing all the information you need to decide which is right for you.

Say goodbye to confusing measurements and hello to a restful night’s sleep as we dive into the world of UK bed sizes.

Bed sizes UK:

Commonly 6 sizes of UK beds are available:

Imperial sizeMetric size
Small single2’6” x 6’3”75 cm x 190 cm
Single3’0” x 6’3”90 cm x 190 cm
Small Double4’0” x 6’3”120 cm x 190 cm
Double4’6” x 6’3”135 cm x 190 cm
King size5’0” x 6’6”150 cm x 200 cm
Super King size6’0” x 6’6”180 cm x 200 cm

Small single bed size:

The small single bed size, measuring 2’6 x 6’3 (75cm x 190cm), is ideal for small rooms and children transitioning from cots. Despite its compact dimensions, it offers more sleeping space and better support for growing bodies than a cot.

It usually costs the same as a standard single bed, making it a cost-effective option for those with limited space or for young children.

This bed size is perfect for maximizing space in small bedrooms while providing adequate sleeping space for children. It’s also a great choice for parents who want to ensure their child has a comfortable and supportive mattress as they transition from a cot to a larger bed.

UK Bed Sizes

Single bed size:

The single bed size measures 90cm x 190cm, making it suitable for one person. It’s a great option for children’s rooms or small bedrooms where space is limited. Twin beds, on the other hand, are popular for couples who prefer separate sleeping arrangements.

They can be positioned together to create a larger sleeping surface when needed or placed in different rooms to accommodate individual preferences.

Twin beds offer flexibility and can be a good choice for couples with different sleep schedules or comfort preferences. They can also be a practical solution for guest rooms, providing options for accommodating different guests’ needs.

Small double bed size:

The small double bed size, 4’0 x 6’3 (120cm x 190cm), is ideal for teenagers with single beds and small spare rooms. Its compact size makes it a practical option for smaller spaces while providing more room than a single bed.

Since it is the same price as a standard double bed, it offers great value for those looking for a slightly larger sleeping area.

The small double provides a comfortable and cost-effective solution for teenagers who may be outgrowing their childhood beds but don’t have the space or need a larger double bed.

Its dimensions make it versatile enough to fit in various room sizes while offering enough space for a restful night’s sleep.

Double bed size:

The standard double bed size of 4’6 x 6’3 (135cm x 190cm) is suitable for two adults with limited room space. In modern homes where space is at a premium, the preference for double beds has been increasing due to their ability to accommodate couples while still fitting in smaller bedrooms.

Despite the limited sleeping space of 2ft 3 inches per person, this size can be ideal for couples who don’t mind getting cozy in bed and enjoying its intimacy.

While a double bed may not offer as much individual sleeping space as larger options, its compact size makes it a practical choice for many living situations.

The snug fit can also promote closeness and intimacy between partners, making it an appealing option for those who value physical proximity during sleep.

King size bed size:

If you’re considering upgrading your bed, a king-size mattress could be a great option, especially if you’re taller and need more legroom. The extra length compared to single and double beds can significantly affect comfort, allowing for better sleep quality.

Some manufacturers offer king-size models for the same price as double beds, making the upgrade even more appealing. Another advantage is that some king-size mattresses are available in split tensions, catering to different firmness preferences for couples sharing the bed.

The additional width of a king-size bed also provides more space for couples to comfortably share without feeling cramped. It can lead to better sleep quality and overall well-being.

Considering the potential benefits and minimal cost difference, upgrading to a king size bed could be a worthwhile investment in your comfort and restful sleep.

Super king bed size:

A super king size bed, measuring 180 cm x 200 cm, offers ample space for couples to sleep comfortably without feeling cramped. This extra space can result in better sleep quality and less disturbance during the night, as each person has more room to move around without encroaching on their partner’s space.

It’s important to consider the weight and maneuverability of the mattress when choosing a super king size bed, especially if you plan to move it frequently or need to navigate tight spaces.

Before purchasing a super king size bed, it’s crucial to measure doorframes and access points in your home to ensure that the mattress can be moved into the desired room without any issues. This proactive approach can help avoid potential headaches and frustrations when trying to manoeuvre a large mattress through narrow hallways or staircases.

What factors to Consider When Choosing bed size?

There are several factors to consider to ensure you make the right decision.

Who is the bed for?

If the bed is for a couple, partner disturbance can affect sleep quality, so opting for a bigger bed may improve sleep for both individuals. The bed should also allow enough space for each person to move comfortably without feeling cramped.

It’s recommended that the bed be 4-6 inches longer than the tallest person using it to ensure adequate sleeping space.

If children or pets will use the bed, their needs should also be considered. A smaller bed may be sufficient for single individuals unless they prefer extra stretching space.

Considering the specific needs and preferences of those using the bed is crucial in making the right choice.

Body weight and build:

It’s important to consider your body weight and build. If you are on the heavier side or have a larger build, you may want to opt for a larger bed size, such as a queen or king, to ensure enough space and support while sleeping.

A smaller bed size may not provide adequate comfort and could lead to discomfort or even back pain over time.

Your body weight can also impact the type of mattress you choose. Heavier individuals may benefit from a firmer mattress to provide better support and prevent sinking into the bed too much. It’s essential to consider your body weight and build when selecting a bed size.

Bedroom space:

The most important factor to consider is the available bedroom space. Measure the dimensions of your room to ensure that the bed will fit comfortably without making the room feel cramped.

Consider any other furniture or items in the room to ensure enough space for movement and functionality.

Consider also the layout and design of your bedroom. A larger bed may be suitable for a spacious room with high ceilings, while a smaller bed might be more appropriate for a cozy or compact space.

Mattress support:

The mattress support refers to the type of bed frame or foundation that will provide adequate support for the mattress.

Factors such as the bed frame’s material, construction, and durability should be considered to ensure proper support for your mattress.

Mattress weight:

Considering the weight of the mattress is crucial in determining the appropriate bed size. Heavier mattresses may require a sturdier bed frame or foundation to prevent sagging or damage over time.

It’s essential to match the weight of the mattress with a suitable bed size and support system to ensure long-term comfort and durability.

Final Words for UK bed Sizes:

Understanding the various UK bed sizes is crucial for selecting the right one to fit your needs and space. Whether you’re looking for a cozy single bed or a spacious, super king size, knowing the dimensions and options available will ensure you make an informed decision.

Consider your room size, sleeping preferences, and any plans for your bedroom to choose the perfect bed size. With this knowledge, you can confidently shop for a new bed that meets all your requirements and provides a comfortable sleep experience.