Guest bed guide: How To Choose A Bed For A Guest Bedroom?

This article discusses how to choose a bed for a guest bedroom. When selecting a bed for a guest bedroom, it’s essential to consider both comfort and versatility.

Opt for a bed that can accommodate different sleeping preferences, such as a queen or king size, to ensure your guests have plenty of relaxing space.

How will the room be used?

The room can be used for various purposes, depending on the needs and preferences of the occupants. It could be a cozy living room for relaxation and entertainment, with comfortable seating, a television, and a coffee table.

Who will be using the bed?

The intended user of the bed will depend on the specific circumstances and requirements. In a household setting, the bed may be used by one or more individuals, such as family members or guests.

How much should you spend on a guest bed?

The amount you should spend on a guest bed depends on your budget, the frequency of use, and the level of comfort you want to provide for your guests.

If the guest bed will be used frequently or by long-term visitors, it may be worth investing in a higher-quality mattress and frame. A more budget-friendly option may suffice if it will only be used occasionally.

Consider factors such as the size of the bed, the material of the frame, and the quality of the mattress when determining your budget.

Finding a balance between cost and comfort is key when deciding how much to spend on a guest bed.

What types of beds are available for guest rooms?

Several types of beds are commonly used in guest rooms. One popular option is the daybed, which serves as a seating area and a bed, making it a versatile choice for accommodating guests.

Another common choice is the sofa bed, which can be easily converted from a couch to a bed, providing extra sleeping space without taking up much room when not in use.

Divan beds:

Divan beds offer great support and comfort, as they often come with a sturdy base and a comfortable mattress. This makes them an excellent option for those seeking a good night’s sleep without compromising style or storage solutions.

Divan beds are an excellent choice for anyone looking to maximize space and enjoy a comfortable sleeping experience.

Bed frames:

How To Choose A Bed For A Guest Bedroom

When choosing a bed frame, it’s important to consider the style and material that best suits your needs.

If you prefer a modern look, metal or platform bed frames might be a good option, while wooden bed frames can add warmth and traditional charm to your bedroom.

Consider the size of your room and the height of the bed frame to ensure it fits comfortably in the space.

Trundle beds:

Trundle beds are a great space-saving solution for small bedrooms or guest rooms. These beds feature a second bed that can be pulled out from underneath the main bed, providing extra sleeping space when needed.

They are particularly popular for kids’ rooms, as the trundle bed can be easily tucked away when not in use, leaving more floor space for play and activities.

Sofa beds:

How To Choose A Bed For A Guest Bedroom

Sofa beds are a versatile and practical furniture option for those who need to maximize space in their homes.

They serve as a comfortable seating area during the day and can easily be transformed into a bed for guests or for everyday use.

It’s makes them an excellent choice for smaller living spaces, guest rooms, or home offices.

Folding guest beds:

Folding guest beds are a convenient and versatile option for accommodating guests in your home. These beds can be easily folded and stored when not in use, making them ideal for small living spaces or for occasional use.

They often come with wheels for easy transportation, and some models even include built-in mattresses for added comfort.

Air beds:

Air beds, also known as air mattresses, are a convenient and versatile sleeping solution for various situations. Whether you need a temporary bed for guests, a comfortable camping option, or simply an extra sleeping surface at home, air beds offer portability and easy storage.

Many modern air beds also come with adjustable firmness settings, allowing users to customize their comfort level.

What size bed is suitable for a guest room?

The size of the bed for a guest room depends on the space available and the typical number of guests you expect to accommodate.

A queen-sized bed is a popular choice for guest rooms as it can comfortably accommodate couples or single guests. It strikes a good balance between space and comfort, making it suitable for most guest rooms.

If you have a larger guest room or anticipate hosting multiple guests at once, a king-sized bed could be a luxurious option. This provides ample space for couples or individual guests who prefer extra room to spread out.

Single beds:

When choosing a single bed, consider the material, size, and design that best suits your preferences and space requirements.Look for features such as storage drawers or headboards with built-in shelves to maximize functionality in a limited area.

With the right single bed selection, you can create a cozy and functional sleeping space without sacrificing style or comfort.

Three quarter beds:

Three quarter beds are a popular choice for individuals who want a bed that’s larger than a single bed but smaller than a double bed. These beds typically measure 48 inches wide and 75 inches long, making them perfect for smaller bedrooms or guest rooms.

They provide more space for a single sleeper to stretch out compared to a standard single bed, while still being compact enough to fit in tight spaces.

Standard double beds:

Standard double beds typically measure 54 inches wide and 75 inches long, making them a popular choice for couples or individuals who prefer a bit more space to stretch out. These beds are versatile and fit well in most bedrooms, providing enough room for two people to sleep comfortably without taking up too much space.

Standard double beds are widely available and come in various styles, from platform to sleigh beds, allowing for customization to suit different decor preferences.

King size beds:

King size beds are a popular choice for those who want extra space and comfort while sleeping. These beds typically measure 76 inches wide and 80 inches long, providing ample room for couples or individuals who like to stretch out.

The larger size also makes king beds a great option for families with young children or pets who like to share the bed.

Super king size beds:

Super king size beds are a popular choice for those who want extra space and comfort while sleeping. These beds are larger than standard king size beds, providing ample room for couples or individuals who enjoy stretching out.

With their generous dimensions, super king size beds offer a luxurious sleeping experience and can accommodate taller individuals or those who simply prefer more space to move around during the night.

Zip and link beds:

Zip and link beds are a versatile option for those looking to cater to different sleeping preferences in the same room. These beds consist of two separate mattresses that can be zipped together to form a larger bed or unzipped to create two individual beds.

This allows for flexibility in accommodating couples with different mattress firmness preferences or for creating separate sleeping spaces when needed.

What type of mattresses should be considered for guest rooms?

When selecting mattresses for guest rooms, it’s important to prioritize comfort and versatility. Opt for a medium-firm mattress that can accommodate a variety of sleep preferences and body types.

Memory foam or hybrid mattresses are popular choices as they provide both support and pressure relief, ensuring that guests have a restful night’s sleep.

Consider investing in mattresses with good motion isolation to minimize disturbances for guests sharing the bed.

Coil springs:

How To Choose A Bed For A Guest Bedroom

Coil spring mattresses are a popular choice for many people due to their support, durability, and affordability. The coil springs provide a firm and responsive sleeping surface, which can help alleviate back pain and promote better spinal alignment.

The open structure of the coils allows for good airflow, reducing the risk of overheating during sleep.

Pocket springs:

Pocket spring mattresses are a popular choice for many people due to their excellent support and comfort. These mattresses are made up of individual springs encased in fabric pockets, allowing them to move independently and contour to the body’s shape.

This results in better support and reduced motion transfer, making them a great option for couples or those easily disturbed by movement during sleep.

Memory foam:

Memory foam is a type of viscoelastic material that was originally developed by NASA to improve the safety of aircraft cushions. It is known for its ability to conform to the shape of the body, providing excellent support and pressure relief.

This makes memory foam mattresses and pillows popular choices for those seeking a comfortable and customizable sleep experience.


A latex mattress is an excellent choice for those seeking a natural and eco-friendly sleeping surface.

Latex is derived from the sap of rubber trees and is known for its durability, resilience, and hypoallergenic properties.

This type of mattress provides excellent support and pressure relief, making it a popular option for those with back or joint pain.


How To Choose A Bed For A Guest Bedroom

A hybrid mattress combines the benefits of both traditional innerspring and memory foam mattresses. It typically features a layer of pocketed coils for support and a layer of memory foam or latex for comfort.

This combination provides the best of both worlds, offering the support and responsiveness of coils with the pressure relief and contouring properties of foam.

Avoid making plans until the new bed is delivered:

It’s important to avoid making plans until the new bed is delivered in order to ensure that you can be available for the delivery and set-up process. Making plans could potentially disrupt the delivery schedule and cause inconvenience for both you and the delivery team.

By holding off on making plans, you can ensure that you are ready and available to receive your new bed as soon as it arrives.

Can you use a mattress topper instead of buying a new mattress?

Yes, using a mattress topper can be a cost-effective way to improve the comfort and support of your existing mattress without having to buy a new one.

A high-quality mattress topper can provide additional cushioning, reduce pressure points, and enhance the overall feel of your bed. It’s especially beneficial if your current mattress is still in good condition but lacks the desired level of comfort.

It’s important to note that while a mattress topper can improve the feel of your bed, it may not fully address underlying issues such as sagging or lack of support in an old mattress. In such cases, investing in a new mattress might be necessary for better sleep quality and overall health.

Final thoughts For How to choose a bed for a guest bedroom:

Following the outline how to choose a bed for a guest bedroom selecting the right bed for a guest bedroom is crucial in creating a comfortable and inviting space for visitors. It’s important to consider the size of the room, the frequency of guests, and their individual needs when making this decision.

Whether opting for a sofa bed, daybed, or traditional bed, prioritizing comfort and versatility will ensure that your guests feel welcomed and at ease during their stay.

By taking the time to choose a suitable bed for your guest bedroom, you can enhance their overall experience and leave a lasting impression.

Remember, investing in the right bed can make all the difference in creating a warm and hospitable environment for your guests to enjoy.