How to Get Water Stains Out of Couch?

Water is generally taken as a medium of cleaning. But sometimes, using water alone to clean the spots on your couch may leave a very unpleasant stain (or water ring) on its upholstery. You can mitigate this unexpected disaster by following our guide on how to get water stains out of couch.

We’ll outline two miraculous methods of using white vinegar and lemon juice to remove water stains from fabric couches. But let’s discover how exactly water stains your couch.

How Does Water Stain Your Couch?

Water itself doesn’t stain your couch. It is the added minerals from the pipes that water travels from your local water facility to the pipes and your home. These minerals may include manganese and iron, responsible for the stained mess on your couch.

Do note that water may leave rusty stains on your couch if leaking from an old but rusty pipe or the air conditioner in your living room. These rusty stains are far more prominent than the mineral stains from tap water.

Distilled water, which doesn’t have any mineral or rusty impurities, does not leave a stained mark when it comes in contact with your couch. So, you can use distilled water to clean the stains from your couch.

How to Get Water Stains Out of Couch

Popular Fabrics Used in Couches:

Fabric couches are very popular among the masses because of their variety. Different fabrics come with their own set of colors and styles to match your wallpaper. Here is a list of the fabrics used in the couches sold nationwide.

  • Wool
  • Acrylic
  • Polyester and Microfiber
  • Cotton
  • Linen
  • Chenille
  • Nylon

You’ll also see sofas made with silk. Silk is very sensitive to water, and we strongly recommend not to use water to clean the stain from your silk couch, as doing so may leave a stain. Get the cleaning done by a stain removal professional instead.

Tips on How to Get Water Stains Out of Couch:

The first tip or step before attempting to remove water stains from the couch is to remove the water spilt on the couch. Use a dry towel to dry the couch as much as possible so the water ring doesn’t expand. And now, onto the first method of removing water stains from your couch.

Method 1: Lemon Juice

Lemon juice is the perfect natural cleaning agent to remove water rings from your fabric couch. Lemon juice contains citric acid that cuts mineral stains from the fabric of your couch. You’ll need fresh lemons, as the fresher the juice is, the better it will be in cleaning up the water stains.

Here is a step-by-step tutorial on how to use lemon juice for clearing water rings:

  1. Cut two fresh lemons, squeeze them hard to take out their juice, and mix them in hot water.
  2. Use a clean cloth and dip it in the solution you just created.
  3. Gently apply the solution to the water stain and cover the whole area.
  4. Let the citric acid sit on the stain for 10 minutes to break it apart from the fabric.
  5. Add more solution on the spot until it disappears from your couch.
  6. Use another towel to dry the couch.
  7. Also, use a hair drier on a low setting to dry the spotty area to prevent mold from growing up.
How to Get Water Stains Out of Couch

Method 2: White Vinegar:

White vinegar is the second ingredient that is extremely useful and effective in removing water stains from your sofa and you can use this method for a clean urine smell. Distilled vinegar is made up of colourless acetic acid but possesses a rather stingy odor. But don’t worry about its smell, as it’ll fade away. The acid isn’t harmful to the fabric of your couch because of its low pH.

Here are step-wise instructions to remove water stains from your sofa with the magic of white vinegar:

  1. Dip a white cleaning cloth in the cup where you have white vinegar. Squeeze it so the vinegar doesn’t drop on the unintended area of your couch.
  2. Spot-test the vinegar-soaked cloth in a hidden area first. If it doesn’t fade, then proceed to the next step.
  3. Now, take that cleaning cloth to the water stain. Dab its outer area first and then gently work it into the middle.
  4. Leave the vinegar on the stain for 20 minutes.
  5. Take another cleaning cloth with warm water to wring out the vinegar away from the spot. You may also dab the sides first and the middle area of the spot later.
  6. Use a hair drier in the cool setting to dry the area. This will prevent the mold from growing and remove the vinegar smell.


This marks the end of our guide on how to get water stains out of couch. Lemons and vinegar are your new BFFs for rescue missions on your furniture. The citrus in lemons and acetic acid in vinegar do the trick to cut through mineral deposits and rust without causing any further damage. Follow each method step-by-step and give it time to work its magic. No need to stress – your couch will be as good as new within an hour or so.

Now, you have no excuses to get lax with your drinks around the living room. But accidents happen, so at least you can relax knowing these natural cleaners will save your seating from permanent stains. Just act quickly to prevent those ugly rings from settling in if a spill occurs.

Happy lounging friends!


How do I Fix Water Damaged Couch?

Use a pressure washer and hot water to clean your couch from harmful bacteria damaging your couch.

Will Water Ruin my Couch?

Yes, if it is an upholstered couch, as upholstery absorbs moisture and may grow mold.

Can I use a wet Cloth to Clean my Couch?

We don’t recommend using a wet cloth to clean an upholstered couch as it may damage its upholstery. Use a dry cloth instead.